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[7] Duyu,Liu; Xiaomei Wang,《Delay-dependent robust stability and control synthesis for uncertain switched neutral systems with mixed delays》 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Impulsive and Hybrid Dynamical Systems, (2007)2903-2911

[8] Xiaomei Wang, Hengguo Yu, Shouming Zhong, Ravi P. Agarwal. Analysis of mathematics and dynamics in a food web system with impulsive perturbations and distributed time delay. Appl.Math.Modelling,2010,P: 3850-3863(SCI.628RR)

[9] Xiaomei Wang, Shouming Zhong. Existence and globally exponential stability of equilibrium for BAM neural networks with mixed delays and impulses, International Journal of Information and Mathematical Sciences 2010,P:37-42

[10] Xiaomei Wang, Shouming Zhong. Dynamic analysis of an impulsively controlled one-prey two-predator system, International Conference on Computational and Information Sciences, 2010,P:904-907(ISTP,EI)

[11] Xiaomei Wang, Shouming Zhong. Globally exponential stability of periodic solution of BAM neural network with distributed time delays and impulses International Conference on Computer and Computational Intelligence, 2010,V2:580-584(EI)

[12] Xiaomei Wang, Shouming Zhong. Species permanence analysis of an ecological modelwith an impulsive control strategy.( JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL RESEARCH AND EXPOSITION)

[13] Duyu Liu, Shouming Zhong, Xiaomei Wang. A delay decomposition approach to stablity of linear neutral systems with mixed delays. Second International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation,2009, P:3-6(IEEE,ISTP,EI)

[14] Duyu Liu, Shouming Zhong, Xiaomei Wang. Stability Analysis for Nonlinear Switched Neutral Systems. International Conference on Apperceiving Computing and Intelligence Analysis Proceeding,2009,P:116-119 (IEEE,ISTP,EI)

[15] Duyu Liu, Shouming Zhong, Xiaomei Wang. Stability and stabilization of uncertain switched neutral with discrete delay. Third International Symposium on Information Technology Application, 2009, P:268-271.(IEEE)

[16] Jiyao An, Zhiyong Li, Xiaomei Wang. A novel approach to delay- fractional-dependent stability criterion for linear systems with interval delay.2013.ISA Transactions. Ms. Ref. No: ISATRANS- D-13-00250R2(SCI).


科研項目: 國家自然科學基金項目一項:項目批准號:60804015

項目名稱: 基於網路的混雜系統的複雜性分析與控制項目時間:2009年1月-2011年12月








編寫《微積分指導教程》第六章,六萬多字; 編寫《線性代數知識點講解庫》, 計七萬多字; 編寫 《神經網路理論與套用》第二章與第三章,十餘萬字; 編寫《神經網路導論》專著,約40萬字. 2002年獲優秀青年教師托譜教學二等獎; 2003年獲電子科大現代教育技術多媒體教學優秀獎; 2004年獲《微積分》課程校級優秀主講教師稱號; 2004年獲校級教學成果二等獎; 2007年獲電子科大本科教學競賽獎; 2009年度獲《微積分》課程電子科技大學青年教師教學優秀獎; 2009中國教育教學研究會教科論文評比一等獎; 2010年獲省教學成果三等獎


主要講授的課程有《微積分》,《線性代數與空間解析幾何》,《神經網路導論》和其它課程. She is an Excellent Chair of College Teacher and Outstanding Teacher, She is teaching several courses, these courses consists of several major parts, such as "Calculus", "Linear Algebra and Space Analytic Geometry", "Introduction to Neural Networks" and other courses.


